
Case management made approachable and affordable

Try CharityTracker for free for 14 days and see how 20,000+ are using our features to maximize their impact in their community to provide their clients a happier, healthier, and more meaningful life.


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We're performing exciting server upgrades at the moment! Because of this, we are having to manually process free trials. Please allow up to 72 hours for your trial to be processed. If you have any issues or do not receive your trial welcome email, please reach out to us. We're here to help!

Trusted by nearly 20,000 active users

When you make an impact - we all make an impact.


  • Paperwork time is definitely cut in half, at least! The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”

  • Great for non-profit collaboration! The content allows us to more thoroughly assess the needs of clients and make referrals when needed. It has allowed users to work together with available resources in meeting the needs of people in our community. We realized during Hurricane Katrina long term recovery efforts that duplication of services could not be easily identified. We worked with Simon Solutions reps in developing this program, relaying what we needed to be able to see in a shared environment. They built the program and have continually improved it, making a world of difference, allowing better evaluations and more needs being met.”

  • This is an excellent way to prevent us from duplication of benefits to people. People are much less likely to abuse the system with this software in use. As an agency we are able to avoid duplication of services, we are also able to direct clients to the various agencies specific to their needs. We can track client usage and accountability of information. CT makes data input and retrieval very convenient, and it is very user-friendly.”

Better manage your resources and maximize your impact.

Easily to streamline work processes, increase visibility, and give your organization a single source of truth for all your client information to ensure the right resources get into the right hands at the right time, every time.

All the features you need and more.


  • Go Paperless

  • Maximize your resources

  • Flexible criteria

  • Streamlined Communication

Illustration, Go Paperless

Go Paperless.

Say goodbye to extensive paper trails, fragmented data, and disjointed efforts by having everything in one place. With a user-friendly and comprehensive system, you can easily migrate information from your legacy systems or spreadsheets to accurately record and report on client assistance information.

Illustration, Maximize your resources

Maximize your resources.

Reduce duplicated efforts and get the visibility you deserve to accurately report on client assistance information. Instantly view assistance records, case notes, and alerts from other team members, anywhere, allowing your team to make confident decisions and be a better steward of valuable resources.with you –meaning we don’t see what you're tracking, where you're tracking, or when you’re tracking.

Illustration, Reporting made simple

Reporting made simple.

Gain an instant snapshot of how your organization’s resources have made a difference with easy-to-use reporting. Whether it's a spreadsheet, flexible format, or data visualization, CharityTracker lets you export your customizable reports to CSV/Excel to easily prove your value to your board of directors, funders, volunteers, and potential funders.

Illustration, Streamlined communication

Instant insights through streamlined communication

Break down the walls within your organization or in your community to provide instant and effective support with a streamlined work process. Post client requests and notify your staff of the latest updates in real-time. And if you’re working in a collaborative network and unable to give the assistance needed, you’re able to easily refer clients to another agency within your partner network, maximizing your impact and caring power in the community.

Transformation starts here.

 Are you looking to join an existing CharityTracker network in your area?
