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Learn more with content focused on helping you increase your impact

Community building experts provide practical advice and insights to help you navigate your journey of community impact.

Leadership Development

When Clutter Overwhelms

Do clutter and disorder impede you and reduce effectiveness at home, work, or within your organization? How long have you lived with it that way?

Leadership Development

Attitudinal Current

Wise leaders are aware and know how to attitude correct (self) and attitude influence (others). Do you know the flow and impacts of your attitudes?

Leadership Development

Start Small

A small hiccup can have results that are more like a bad stomach virus if you go too big too fast. It's "Go big, or go home!" right? Not so much.

Leadership Development

Overcome Impossible

Frustrated by nothing changing? To bring shifts to your community, someone needs to see what others don't and risk what others won't. I dare you.

Leadership Development

Burn Again

How hot is the fire for your work, for your community impact, and even for your own life? Grown a little cold? Let’s help you burn again!

Human Services

Holding Out Hope

As one who holds out hope to others, how do you ensure you don’t run out? In this article, four areas are offered as nurturing elements for your life.



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The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”