Community. Neighbors. Together. More than me. More than you. Us. We. Let’s examine what happens when we walk over time with FAITH in one another.
Community building experts provide practical advice and insights to help you navigate your journey of community impact.
Community. Neighbors. Together. More than me. More than you. Us. We. Let’s examine what happens when we walk over time with FAITH in one another.
Focus: center of activity or attention; point of concentration; condition permitting clear perception or understanding; adjustment for distinct...
The expansiveness of solution possibilities can be a powerful source of ideas. But you have to see them to unleash them. Cultivate seeing a new way.
In all our efforts to find solutions for our problems, perhaps our greatest challenge is seeing the problem itself. It's quite the puzzle.
Healthy communities are built through conversations. What would happen if we had more of them, getting to know each other better? Let’s work on it.
Moving from community resource sharing to solution creating is easier said than done. The results are worth the investment.
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Start effectively tracking, measuring, and reporting your efforts in minutes. Gain the visibility you deserve and keep an eye on your organization to help your clients from anywhere.
The software is so user-friendly that I have cut my paperwork time in half, at least! The networking with other agencies has definitely enabled us to ensure we do not duplicate services and helped increase capacity. The reporting feature is customizable and extremely professional looking. I do not have to create my own for board meetings, etc.”